San Mateo and Ventura, Calif. Reinforce Commitment to Road Safety with Red-Light Enforcement Programs
The cities of San Mateo and Ventura, Calif. recently announced that they are extending their red-light enforcement programs in an effort to maintain and increase public safety.
The San Mateo City Council voted unanimously to extend the city’s program, which has been running since 2004. The city began with two REDFLEXred® systems and now has a total of five installed on high-risk roadways.
The City of Ventura partnered with Redflex in 2001 to install 18 red-light enforcement systems throughout the city. Since implementing the photo enforcement program, Ventura has seen a 63 percent decrease in crashes.
REDFLEXred allows communities to combat red-light running 24/7 with state-of-the-art technology that captures high-quality images, video and data across multiple lanes of traffic, in low light or in adverse conditions.