Improve Road Safety with the New Redflex Solution Platform: Alcyon®
In the pursuit of improving road safety, municipalities need effective, easily accessible and affordable ways to measure the impact of road safety programs in real-time.
Automated enforcement technology continues to advance, offering more capabilities and visibility than ever before. But government agencies are increasingly strapped for time, personnel and other resources; is your automated enforcement program being utilized to its highest potential?
Alcyon and Alcyon iQ are the latest software solutions designed to help agencies utilize their automated enforcement and safety programs with improved ease and clarity. Simple, user-friendly business interfaces and high-volume processing abilities provide agencies with superior real-time visibility and actionable insights.
Alcyon solutions are cost-effective, align directly with organizational and jurisdictional needs and provide valuable insights to drive program direction – Alcyon and Alcyon iQ empower municipalities to improve the public safety outcomes of their enforcement programs while optimizing their return on investment.
Alcyon: Simplified and Configurable Case Management
Agencies need the right solutions to keep pace with shifting priorities, as well as changing legislative and judicial requirements. Alcyon is an enterprise case management system that allows for the rapid change to business rules, workflow and correspondence, all without costly software development. Changes are tested, approved and implemented quickly, reducing potential delays in administering an effective enforcement program. In addition, Alcyon is platform agnostic, it runs on all standard operating systems, browsers and devices.
- Configure, Not Code – Business rules, workflows, outbound correspondence and reference data are all changed by configuration instead of costly and lengthy software development. Program reports and dashboards are user configurable. Ad hoc-reports and real-time dashboards can be created from all program data, throughout the case lifecycle, empowering agencies with swift and informed insights and decision making.
- Efficiency and Automation - Alcyon’s powerful case management functionality allows agencies to simplify and automate their program. The lifecycle of enforcement incidents is managed, monitored and reported from end-to-end, providing powerful insights and program efficiencies. From the point an incident is captured, to when a citation is mailed, through to generating court evidence packages and processing payments; all activities are simplified or automated.
- It Just Works – The platform Alcyon is built upon provides out-of-the-box compatibility and interoperability; it works on Windows, Apple, Android and Linux operating systems, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox browsers. This means your program information will always be easily accessible and free of compatibility issues on whichever technologies you choose to operate on, and there is never any software to install or maintain.
Alcyon iQ: Powerful Business Intelligence
You already know data is an integral part of making informed decisions about traffic safety and effectually managing your automated enforcement program, but how is your data being used, and even more importantly, how can it better serve municipalities, law enforcement and the public?
Alcyon iQ is the next-generation solution for processing high volumes of event-based data to deliver real-time intelligence, event monitoring, management and response. From analyzing ALPR data for vehicle of interest and white-list/black-list management, enforcing point-to-point speed, heavy goods vehicle and weigh-in-motion monitoring, to zone and congestion charging. Alcyon iQ provides solutions to your roadway safety and enforcement needs.
- Real-Time Insights and Enforcement - Able to process millions of events per minute through a scalable event-driven architecture, Alcyon iQ is a highly effective tool to stay updated on the most relevant traffic related information. ALPR data can be analyzed across networks and systems, to provide real-time alerts and incident creation for vehicles of interest, stolen vehicles and unregistered vehicles, as well as white-list/black-list and congestion/low emission zone enforcement.
- Point-to-Point Speed Enforcement - Alcyon iQ is an advanced data matching and business rule management engine, able to provide fully automated, precise and reliable point-to-point speed enforcement. The average speed of a vehicle can be accurately measured between two or more points on a roadway, and complex business rules can be applied, such as how to handle varying speed limits between multiple points, prior to the automated creation of a photo enforcement incident.
- Monitoring and Analytics - Alcyon iQ’s expansive event monitoring capabilities and enriched data store allow for the creation of real-time dashboards, keeping users immediately informed of traffic volumes and patterns, events, incidents and much more. Additionally, all camera and event information are stored for future business intelligence processing and analysis, facilitating advanced descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive analytics, machine learning and AI capabilities.
By better understanding, monitoring and interpreting enforcement program data, jurisdictions can boost program efficiency, strategically allocate resources and, ultimately, realize the best possible public safety outcomes, while simultaneously ensuring the greatest return on their investments.
The Alcyon solution platform is also vendor and system agnostic, meaning Alcyon and Alcyon iQ can be easily integrated with third-party cameras, sensory and other edge devices, data and platforms, providing unlimited extensibility and value.