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Alcyon iQ

A sophisticated solution for system monitoring, data matching and alerting – all in near real time – and capable of handling millions of events and incidents per minute.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width="stretch_row_content" content_placement="top" el_id="overview" el_class="productsection"][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text]Alcyon iQ enables real-time event alerting, advanced data matching and monitoring, together with high-level performance, scalability and reliability. It is based on an event-driven architecture that sees cameras and other edge devices publish events, such as the detection of vehicle in a zone or other incident of interest. With Alcyon iQ, publishing and acting on events is near real-time, allowing individual ‘listener’ processes to perform other useful functions and enforcement activities such as real-time alerts and incident creation for vehicles of interest, stolen vehicles, unregistered vehicles, average speed infractions, etc. Alcyon iQ offers:
  • Highly scalable and extensible design; the event driven architecture is capable of processing millions of events per minute
  • Powerful data matching and business rule management engine for average speed enforcement
  • Real-time monitoring and alerting of events, such as white/black listed vehicles, Heavy Goods Vehicle monitoring and zone enforcement
  • Analytics – all camera event information is stored for later BI processing
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text]Key Capabilities
  • Infinitely scalable and extensible design
  • Microservice architecture designed to leverage the latest queuing, message handling and fault tolerance capabilities
  • Average speed
  • Real-time alerting
  • Hot list management for vehicles of interest, white/black lists, etc.
  • Heavy Goods Vehicle monitoring and tracking
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  • Real-time event management
  • Unlimited scalability
  • Comprehensive, customisable dashboards
  • Deployable on existing hardware, on-premises or cloud
  • Vendor device agnostic
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  • Better visualisation of key information – clear, consolidated and configurable data visualisation tools enable more timely and better informed decision-making
  • Immediate access to information / rapid response – real-time messaging allows agencies to respond faster to critical events
  • Improved business intelligence – being able to access a central data repository and run custom reports provides a myriad of analysis options
  • Dynamic vehicle of interest management – each type of alert can be individually managed and accessed, providing crucial information to discrete agencies and user groups for focused real-time outcomes
  • Vendor-agnostic – eliminates the need for disparate solution platforms to process and manage data from systems provided by multiple vendors
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